Whether for profit or social motives - and often both - an increasing number of investors are targeting opportunities in African agriculture. At the same time innovative approaches for deploying aid to support farming businesses linked to smallholders are emerging. This blog provides a snapshot of who is doing what, where and how.
6 May 2012
The Africa Report: How to feed Africa's two billion
AgDevCo is referenced in this month's edition of The Africa Report. The editorial titled How to feed Africa's two billion discusses the global food crisis and how governments and donors have so far failed to live up to their promises to boost funding to the agriculture sector. The article describes innovative private sector partnerships to promote food security, such as the catalytic fund managed by AgDevCo in Mozambique. A lot more investment - public and private - will be needed to grow agricultural production 70% by 2050 to keep up with the world's population. With water scarcity increasing and a rapid shift to meat-based diets in the developing world, the article concludes that even bigger challenges lie ahead.